In a troubling turn of events, two Village Defence Force (VDF) personnel were forcefully abducted by unidentified armed miscreants in Bishnupur district. The victims, identified as Arubam Abon (38 years old) hailing from Toupokpi Mamang Leikai Ward No. 1 and Chabungbam Premjit from Phubala Awang Mamang Leikai, were seized from different locations yesterday. The abductors’ identities and motives remain shrouded in mystery, leaving the community anxious about the fate of the abducted personnel.
The incident involving Arubam Abon unfolded at approximately 9 pm when armed individuals forcibly took him from the courtyard of his residence. Meanwhile, VDF Chabungbam Premjit was abducted around 4 pm, adding to the distressing nature of the situation. Both victims were actively serving in Bishnupur district at the time of their abductions.
Local residents of Toupokpi, deeply disturbed by the events, organized a sit-in protest today under the banner of Apunba Lup Toupokpi. Their primary demand echoes throughout the protest – the unconditional and safe release of Arubam Abon. Protestors, armed with placards bearing messages such as ‘Release abducted VDF without any conditions’ and ‘We Want Peace,’ expressed their concern and called for immediate action.
As of the latest report, the reasons behind the abductions and the whereabouts of the two VDF personnel remain undisclosed. Authorities are diligently working to unravel the circumstances surrounding these incidents, while the community anxiously awaits updates on the safety and well-being of the abducted individuals. The situation is being closely monitored, and efforts are underway to bring clarity to this distressing situation.