The Manipur police announced the apprehension of two individuals, Tongkhohao Haokip, 44, and Jamkholun Baite, 48, both from Moreh.
They were caught in Canan Veng Village, Moreh, for possessing illegal drugs.
The seizure comprised nine large packets and one open packet of suspected WY tablets, weighing around 11.740 Kgs, approximately 80000 tablets.
Besides the drugs, authorities seized two mobile phones, Rs 400 in cash, and an auto-rickshaw.
The case is currently under investigation.
Meanwhile, security forces conducted search operations and dominated areas in hills and valley districts.
Movement of 219 and 255 vehicles along NH-37 and NH-2 respectively with essential items has been ensured.
Strict security measures are implemented in vulnerable locations, with a security convoy in sensitive stretches for safe vehicle movement.
A total of 128 Nakas/Checkpoints were set up in different Districts of Manipur, both in the hill and valley, with 313 individuals detained for violations across the State.