Authorities in Chandel district successfully rescued a 15-year-old girl who had been missing since Friday. The rescue operation, carried out by Chandel Police, 21 AR, and CSO Chandel at Khongjol village, resulted in the apprehension of Th Thokchom Roshan Meetei, 24, around 5:30 pm on Monday.
Roshan Meetei, a resident of Uyumpok Mamang Leikai, Imphal East, was taken into custody and later handed over to the OC Bishnupur team. The swift response was prompted by a notification from the village chief, highlighting the abductor’s recent release from prison.
Authorities have filed an FIR (No. 26[6] 2024 BPR Ps) under Section 365 IPC in connection with the incident.