In a significant development, Manohar Joshi, the prominent Shiv Sena leader and former Lok Sabha Speaker, passed away at the age of 86 in a Mumbai hospital. This sad event occurred after Joshi suffered a cardiac arrest, leading to his admission to Hinduja Hospital’s ICU on February 21. Despite medical efforts, he succumbed to his health complications in the early hours of Friday.
Joshi, widely known as Joshi Sir, had a distinguished political career, serving as the first Chief Minister of Shiv Sena from 1995 to 1999. His influence extended to the national stage when he held the position of Lok Sabha Speaker from 2002 to 2004 during the Vajpayee government.
Born on December 2, 1937, in Maharashtra’s coastal Konkan region, Joshi obtained a Civil Engineering degree from Mumbai’s esteemed Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI). This academic background complemented his subsequent role as a teacher before he ventured into politics in 1967.
Joshi’s political journey showcased his organizational skills within the Shiv Sena, where he became a key leader in the 1980s. His contributions included roles such as municipal councilor in Mumbai, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Mumbai municipal corporation, and Mayor of Mumbai during 1976-1977.
Entering state politics, Joshi was elected to the Maharashtra Legislative Council in 1972, marking the beginning of an impactful legislative career. His dedication to public service saw him becoming the Leader of the Opposition in the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly during 1990-91.
In the 1999 general elections, Joshi secured victory from the Mumbai North-Central Lok Sabha Constituency, subsequently serving as the Union Minister of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises. His multifaceted career included significant contributions to both state and national governance.
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, who worked closely with Joshi in the Maharashtra ministry, expressed condolences, acknowledging the loss of a “cultured face” in the political arena.
Joshi’s family announced that his final rites will take place at the Shivaji Park crematorium in Dadar, Mumbai. As India mourns the passing of a seasoned leader, Manohar Joshi’s legacy remains etched in the annals of political history.