During a press conference in Imphal, Manipur, on July 8, Congress MP and Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, deflected questions he considered distractions. The press event, attended by local and national media, focused on Gandhi’s commitment to addressing regional issues during his third visit to Manipur amid ethnic unrest.
Reporters sought further clarification from Gandhi, but he declined to answer inquiries he deemed diversionary. “Please respect what I am saying. I have come here to give a clear message, I am not interested in answering questions that are designed to divert the issue…I have made my statement,” Gandhi asserted.
When asked about his view of Manipur, Gandhi described it as “one of the most beautiful states of the Indian Union.”
On July 8, Rahul Gandhi visited Manipur for the third time since the crisis began, expressing disappointment over the lack of improvement. He toured relief camps, interacted with residents, and listened to their grievances. Emphasizing the need for peace, he highlighted the destruction caused by ongoing violence, including property damage, fatalities, and thousands of affected families.
Gandhi described the state as deeply divided, calling it a collective tragedy. He assured the people of Manipur of his support and commitment to restoring peace in the region.
Rahul Gandhi affirmed that both he and the Congress party are prepared to take necessary actions to reestablish peace in Manipur. He reiterated their availability to assist and listen to the people, urging the Indian government and patriots to reach out and support the inhabitants of Manipur in their quest for peace.