Chief Minister N Biren Singh announced that over ₹1,000 crore has been sanctioned to support internally displaced persons (IDPs) affected by ongoing violence in Manipur. The funding was presented during the budget session of the Manipur Legislative Assembly, highlighting relief measures from both the state and central governments.
In his address, CM Singh detailed a series of initiatives aimed at assisting IDPs, including a special relief package of ₹101.75 crore designated for operating relief camps. This amount will cover essential supplies, such as food, water, and shelter materials, necessary for maintaining the camps.
Financial Assistance and Housing Initiatives
The government has approved additional funding of ₹209.45 crore for ongoing rehabilitation schemes for victims impacted by the unrest. A separate allocation of ₹145.18 crore has been earmarked for establishing 3,000 temporary shelters for displaced families.
To address agricultural losses, the central government has approved ₹38.60 crore for compensatory packages for farmers, with ₹18.91 crore already disbursed to 3,483 farmers as of now.
Support for Education and Livelihood
To improve educational access in violence-affected districts, plans are in place to invest ₹11 crore in IT services, including the installation of 1,100 computers. This initiative aims to enhance internet access and facilitate computer-based examinations.
The state government has also introduced a scheme to provide financial assistance of ₹1,000 per person for IDPs, benefitting approximately 6,000 individuals with a total expenditure of ₹23.48 crore.
Nutrition and Personal Hygiene Support
A scheme for complementary nutrition and personal hygiene has been approved for ₹89.22 crore, offering dietary and hygiene support to relief camp residents, including items such as milk, eggs, and diapers.
Furthermore, the state is implementing a permanent housing initiative aimed at constructing 5,000 permanent homes for displaced individuals at an estimated cost of ₹375 crore.
Economic Support for IDPs
The government has created a ₹10 crore corpus fund to provide ex gratia payments to families of deceased and injured persons during the unrest. Additionally, the “CMESS- Special Support to Successful Start-Up and Entrepreneurs for Employment of IDPs” scheme offers financial assistance up to ₹1 crore with a 35% subsidy to startups employing IDPs.
In a commitment to improving the livelihoods of relief camp inmates, the state has partnered with local organizations to source office supplies from their productions.
CM Biren Singh reiterated the government’s commitment to the continuous support and rehabilitation of displaced persons. As the situation evolves, efforts will remain focused on addressing the immediate needs and fostering long-term recovery for those affected by the violence in Manipur.