Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing the Rajya Sabha, affirmed that the government is diligently working to restore normalcy in Manipur, noting a decline in violent incidents. He revealed that over 500 individuals have been apprehended and more than 11,000 FIRs registered in the region, signaling notable progress towards stability.
Modi emphasized the government’s accomplishments in the Northeast over the past five years, asserting that these achievements far exceed what the Congress party could have achieved in two decades.
Commenting on the recent election outcomes, Modi highlighted the positive reactions in the capital market and internationally, suggesting an overall sense of optimism. He sarcastically questioned the Congress party’s apparent celebration, despite their electoral defeats, implying that their cheerfulness might be due to a prolonged series of electoral setbacks.
Modi also criticized the Congress party’s treatment of Dalit and marginalized communities. He accused the party of exploiting these groups as electoral pawns, citing examples where Congress fielded Dalit candidates in elections they were unlikely to win, such as the presidential and vice-presidential contests in 2017 and 2022. Modi specifically mentioned the treatment of former President Ram Nath Kovind and the current President, a tribal woman, alleging that Congress has consistently exhibited a prejudiced attitude towards SC/ST/OBC leaders and often humiliated these individuals.