In a distressing turn of events, the fate of Ningthoujam Manisana (32), a committed Village Defence Volunteer, took a tragic turn as he was found murdered after having gone missing since February 8. The unsettling incident unfolded in the aftermath of a fierce attack by Kuki militants at Itham Moirang-purel, casting a somber cloud over the region.
Manisana’s disappearance prompted an extensive and urgent manhunt, with concerns escalating for his safety. Sadly, the apprehensions turned into a heartbreaking reality as his lifeless body was discovered in a gorge at Itham Moirangpurel Ma-mang Ching in the early hours of the morning. The community, grappling with shock and grief, now faces the harsh reality of this senseless act of violence.
Sources indicate that Manisana’s remains have been conveyed to the JNIMS morgue for a thorough post-mortem examination, a critical step in understanding the circumstances surrounding his untimely death. Despite the heartache and sorrow prevailing among family members and local residents gathered at the morgue, a poignant decision has been made not to claim the mortal remains immediately.
Instead, plans are underway to form a Joint Action Committee (JAC), a collective effort that will involve convening a public meeting in conjunction with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to address the tragic killing of Ningthoujam Manisana and seek justice for the bereaved family.
The public meeting held at Sangaithel resulted in the establishment of the JAC Against Brutal Murder of Ningthoujam Manisana of Sangaithel at Itham Village. The gathering, marked by unity and determination, culminated in the adoption of five resolutions aimed at seeking justice and addressing the broader concerns emanating from this unfortunate incident.
Foremost among these resolutions is the demand for the abrogation of the Suspension of Operation (SoO) pact with Kuki militant groups, highlighting the need for a reevaluation of the existing arrangements in the face of escalating violence. The meeting also called for the expeditious arrest of all individuals implicated in Manisana’s murder within a stringent timeframe of 48 hours.
In a bid to provide support and solace to the grieving family, the resolutions underscored the necessity of offering ex-gratia and securing a suitable Government job for Manisana’s widow. In a firm stance, the meeting resolved not to claim the mortal remains until these demands are met, symbolizing the collective determination to secure justice and address the broader systemic issues at play.
Should the authorities fail to promptly address these concerns, the JAC signaled its readiness to launch various forms of agitation, standing in solidarity with CSOs to ensure the voices of the community are heard and justice is served.
The JAC further fortified its commitment by submitting a comprehensive memorandum outlining these resolutions and demands to Chief Minister N Biren, underscoring the urgency and gravity of the situation. As the community grapples with grief, it remains steadfast in its pursuit of justice and accountability in the wake of this tragic incident.