In a heart-wrenching tale of displacement and hardship, a refugee mother, Nganthoibi, is fighting to restore normalcy in her life amidst the ongoing violence in Manipur.
Nganthoibi’s ordeal began on June 25 when her village was attacked, leaving her husband injured and their home destroyed. With no option but to flee, she embarked on a treacherous journey with her children, braving the violence and uncertainty.
The family is currently taking shelter in a relief camp in Imphal, where basic amenities are scarce. Despite the hardships, Nganthoibi remains determined to rebuild her life and ensure a secure future for her children.
The Manipur government’s attempts to restore peace and normalcy in the region have been met with limited success, leaving refugees like Nganthoibi uncertain about their future.
Nganthoibi’s struggle serves as a poignant reminder of the human cost of conflict and the resilience of the human spirit. Her story is a testament to the unending struggles of refugees in Manipur, who continue to face hardship and uncertainty.
As the violence continues, Nganthoibi’s plight highlights the need for a lasting solution to the conflict. It is time for the government and stakeholders to come together to ensure peace and normalcy in the region, and restore hope to refugees like Nganthoibi.