In Delhi’s Rajinder Nagar, three IAS aspirants were killed due to flooding in a basement on July 27. In response, civic authorities have initiated a bulldozer operation to clear encroachments obstructing drains and contributing to waterlogging in the area. A video from news agency ANI shows machinery removing cement blocks from the affected drains.
The incident occurred at Rau’s IAS Study Circle, where the basement, repurposed in violation of regulations, was used as a library. Heavy rainfall led to rapid flooding, trapping approximately 20 students. The basement, with a single entry and exit point, became inundated, disabling the biometric authentication system and leaving students stranded. Of the 20 students, 17 were rescued, but three drowned. The deceased have been identified as Tanya Soni, Shreya Yadav, and Navin Dalwin.
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) faces significant criticism for its role in the tragedy. The library’s use for non-permissible activities and inadequate drainage infrastructure have been highlighted as contributing factors. Students have expressed frustration, deeming the authorities’ actions as insufficient and tardy.
Following the incident, the MCD has sealed 13 IAS coaching centers for breaches of building norms. Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi has ordered an investigation to determine any potential involvement of MCD officials in the negligence leading up to the disaster.