The Assam Police are facing intense scrutiny over the killing of three Hmar militants in a controversial encounter, with tribal bodies alleging a “fabricated” and “choreographed” operation.
According to police sources, the three militants – Lallungawi Hmar, 21, Lalbikung Hmar, 33, and Joshua, 35 – were killed in an ambush in the early hours of July 18. The trio was from the Hmar People’s Convention-Democracy armed group. The police recovered an AK 47 rifle, a single barrel rifle, and a pistol from the scene.
However, the Hmar Inpui and the Indigenous Tribal Leaders’ Forum (ITLF) of Manipur have accused the Assam Police of staging the encounter, claiming that the militants were shot dead in a “choreographed” and “fabricated” operation. The tribal bodies have demanded an inquiry into the incident, seeking justice for the slain militants.
The incident has sparked tensions in the region, with protests erupting in various parts of Assam and Manipur. The Assam Police have defended the operation, claiming that the militants were killed in a genuine encounter. However, the tribal bodies have rejected the police version, alleging that the encounter was staged to cover up human rights abuses.
The controversy has raised questions over the Assam Police’s handling of the situation, with demands for a thorough investigation into the incident. The incident has also highlighted the ongoing tensions between the police and tribal groups in the region.