Amidst the aftermath of devastating floods in Imphal, Governor Anusuiya Uikey undertook a poignant visit to a relief camp at Hostel No 2, Khuman Lampak Sports Complex. Accompanied by officials, she addressed the concerns of families affected by the calamity, offering reassurance and support.
With approximately 138 individuals seeking shelter at the camp, Governor Uikey personally distributed essential supplies, including drinking water and emergency lamps, to alleviate their immediate needs.
Expressing empathy for the plight of the flood victims, Governor Uikey underscored the severity of the situation and pledged the government’s full assistance in the wake of the natural disaster.
Additionally, she directed government officials to expedite relief measures and conduct thorough assessments of the affected areas to ensure timely assistance.
In a show of solidarity, Governor Uikey assured affected families of unwavering support from Raj Bhavan and the State Government.
During her return journey, Governor Uikey inspected flood-affected areas in Nagaram, where she commended the efforts of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) personnel in aiding the affected populace.