Tragically, another life was claimed by the viral scourge known as rabies in Manipur this past Sunday. Despite efforts at the RIMS isolation department, the disease proved fatal for the fourth individual.
The departed, Khumanthem Tolangou, aged 63 and residing in Nachou Ward No. 2, Bishnupur District, was admitted to RIMS on March 13 following a dog bite incident on January 25 involving his own pet.
Upon the medical team’s realization that all hope was lost, Tolangou was discharged on the day of rest, only to succumb to the illness on his journey home, at the entrance to his residence in Nachou.
It is notable that none of the patients diagnosed with Rabies Encephalitis and admitted to the RIMS isolation ward have managed to survive. The death toll attributed to this viral affliction has now risen to four.