In an unexpected turn of events, the DPF unit of Imphal Customs Division made a significant apprehension today in Canchipur. Their focus was three women, and the discovery was startling—eight gold bangles and two partially finished foreign gold chains, amounting to a whopping Rs 27,21,460.
A press release issued by the Deputy Commissioner of Imphal Customs Division shed light on the incident. The three women, identified as Sunita Devi (spouse of Inderjeet Chouhan), Indu Kumari (daughter of Inderjeet Chouhan), and Reshma Kumar (daughter of Inderjeet Chouhan), were on their way from Moreh to Imphal. These individuals hail from Dalpatti in Tengnoupal Sub-Division, Chandel.
The unfolding narrative brings forth a series of questions and adds a layer of mystery to the situation. The authorities are now delving into the details to unravel the complexities behind this intriguing incident.