Late at night, Kuki insurgents attacked the peaceful Meitei village in Koutruk. The night echoed with loud gunshots and explosions as the militants started their attack. They began by throwing bombs and then shot at the village without warning. Quick-thinking security forces bravely fought back, firing at the insurgents to stop the dangerous attack.
Around 9:40 pm, when this report was written, there were no reports of injuries. However, the sounds of gunfire continued, creating a tense and uncertain atmosphere in the area. The peaceful village was now disrupted, and residents were nervous as security forces and militants faced off.
The nearby security forces showed great bravery in responding to the unexpected attack. They quickly fought back, aiming their weapons at the militants to protect innocent residents caught in the middle. The seriousness of the situation was clear as both sides struggled for control.
Even though no injuries were reported, there’s still worry about the violence escalating due to ongoing gunfire. The situation is uncertain, with security forces and militants in a tense standoff, causing fear among the villagers.