Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh has revealed that a total of 10,675 illegal immigrants have been identified in the state over the last five years. The majority of these immigrants are from neighboring countries such as Myanmar and Bangladesh, with a few from Norway, China, and Nepal.
In a recent address, CM Singh highlighted the efforts taken by the state government to tackle the issue of illegal immigration. The detection of these immigrants has been the result of coordinated efforts by various agencies and a dedicated committee set up to identify and deport illegal entrants. The committee has focused particularly on districts like Churachandpur and Tengnoupal, which are prone to illegal crossings due to their proximity to international borders.
Out of the identified illegal immigrants, 85 have been deported back to their respective countries, while 143 are currently held in detention centers. The deportation process, however, faces challenges due to bureaucratic hurdles and the need for diplomatic coordination with the countries involved.
The Chief Minister also discussed ongoing efforts to bolster border security. The central government, in collaboration with state authorities, has initiated a border fencing project along the Indo-Myanmar border. As of now, 9.214 kilometers of fencing have been completed, with plans to extend it by an additional 120 kilometers. This measure aims to curb the influx of illegal immigrants and enhance national security.
To further prevent illegal immigration, the state police have been conducting mobile checks and have established new police stations in vulnerable areas. These measures are part of a broader strategy to maintain law and order and protect the socio-economic stability of the region.
The issue of illegal immigration in Manipur is not new and has been a matter of concern for several years. The state’s strategic location, sharing borders with Myanmar, makes it susceptible to illegal crossings. The influx of illegal immigrants has implications for the local economy, social harmony, and security, necessitating a robust and multifaceted approach to address the problem.
CM Singh reiterated the government’s commitment to addressing illegal immigration through stringent measures and cooperation with central agencies. He also called for the support of local communities in identifying and reporting illegal immigrants to authorities.